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Nordic skip swap is Saturday November 2nd Learn more
Nordic skip swap is Saturday November 2nd Learn more

Our Team

Sound like a good fit? Check out opportunists to join our team.

Scott Murison

"Senior" partner and residual brain trust

"Jack of all trades and lead marketing and long term financial survival."

Favourite Music: So many! Funk, trip hop, African inspired, Spanish inspired and deep house grooves.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Anything on two wheels, watching my kids explore the world and thinking about how to make the world slightly better.

"Hailing from Montreal, Canada, Scott found his adventurous spirit early on. While he completed his Bachelor of Commerce degree, he participated in the 1991 Broad Peak Expedition in Pakistan, where he showcased both resilience and human frailty by failing to summit on this 8000+m mountain. Scott then embarked on multiple kayak descents in Nepal including the Bodi Kosii, Sun Kosi, and Marsyandi rivers. His passion for the outdoors and belief in community inspired him to co-found Wild Rock Outfitters in 1992. Scott is deeply involved in the athletic community as a triathlon coach, guiding aspiring athletes towards their goals. Alongside his professional achievements, Scott finds fulfillment as a husband to Kathy Eggenberger and a father to Jens and Clara. His dedication to his family, his passion for adventure, and his commitment to his community define Scott."

Read Scott's posts on The Journal

Kieran Andrews

Semi-retired cycling specialist

"I try really hard to curate every customers' experience so they get the very best of what we have to offer. Along the way I hope some of my efforts rub off on other staff!"

Favourite Music: I have a thing for flamenco guitar, which I am slowly trying to learn.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: I like riding bikes, reading books, playing music and trying to think of ways to make our community a better place for all of us.

"After over 30 years as a co-pilot at Wild Rock I have proudly taken on a slightly more casual role at the shop. My working life has always been focused on hospitality and curated service ...I just don't do that so many days a week anymore. When I am not at work I am pouring my soul into the ComPassion Project, riding bikes when I can, messing around with guitars and helping friends make their houses into their homes. I'm am still kind-of an elder statesman at Wild Rock so I hope to see you there soon!"

Read Kieran's posts on The Journal

Tori Silvera

Co-Pilot & General Manager

"I get to collaborate with a seriously awesome group of folks to make outdoor adventure dreams come true. My work changes constantly, from fitting hikers to planning thru-hikes, and from hiring and scheduling to spreadsheets and forecasts."

Favourite Music: Everything from Doja Cat to Boy & Bear - and a lot of Lake Street Dive and Begonia in between.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Rock Climbing (with Pottery as a close second).

"My family includes my lovely partner, Annie, our kitchen rabbit, Bun Bun, and our very active border collie, Bertie. We spend our time cooking, hiking, climbing, gravel riding, and tobogganing at Harold Town.

I've been lucky to spend lots of time traveling to go rock climbing and thru-hiking in Vietnam, Iceland, Italy, Peru, and throughout the states."

Read Tori's posts on The Journal

Jeff Faulds

Co-Owner & Aerobic Sports Manager

"Solver of problems, mover of numbers, the buyer of fun things, maker of dreams."

Favourite Music: Any type that is fun and puts me in a good mood.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Riding all types of bicycles, being outdoors, and spending time with my family.

Jeff is a Co-Owner and Wild Rock's Aerobic Sports Manager, and he's been a fixture of Ptbo's cycling community for years, namely as President of the PCC. He also races DH (downhill bikes), Enduro, XC, cyclocross and gravel for fun. Jeff enjoys camping and adventures with his wife and three kids outdoors. Jeff is also skilled in excel and helps manage our inventory, planning, and buying for the store.

- not Jeff Faulds

Jon Moreno

Camping Department Manager/Buyer and Co-Owner

"Chief Camping Adventure Organizer "

Favourite Music: Post Punk

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Canoe Camping

"Spending time in the outdoors has always been a passion and a way of life for me. Whether hiking, camping, riding my bike, a good day is a day when I have spent some time outside. I enjoy exploring my local area for secret gems -places where few people have been or go. My choice to stay in the outdoor industry was a decision I made in my twenties after spending most of my early life working in outdoor stores. The combination of working with all the outdoor gear I love and surrounding myself with like minded, motivated coworkers is very satisfying. Combine that with discussing outdoor adventures with my customers and I became a lifer in the industry for over thirty years. At the end of the day, a delicious meal and some good drink with my wife is a slice of heaven. Then waking up early to walk the dog and enjoy the beginning of a new day starts the adventure all over again. "

Read Jon's posts on The Journal

Justin Ross

Marketing Manager

"I create all of the online content for Wild Rock Outfitters"

Favourite Music: electronic music - maribou state, bonobo, fred again...

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: I love downhill skiing with all my heart

"I’ve got a knack for type two fun, the longer and more miserable the effort the better."

Read Justin's posts on The Journal

Calum Wilkinson

Service Department Manager

"Make sure the service never stops & the quality never drops."

Favourite Music: Little of this, little of that. Lately lots of Sleep Token, Doja Cat & early 2000s Coldplay

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Cycling, Camping & Video Gaming

"You ever feel like there's not enough hours in the day? Yeah me too.

Catch me outside of work on a quiet road, a secluded campsite, or holed up in my gaming room. I'm usually trying to cram as much adventure (be it real, or entirely fictional) into the day as possible."

Alex Groenke

Alex spends his time both behind the scenes, and working closely with customers. He takes care of out-of-norm transactions, like warranty claims and special orders. The rest of the time, Alex helps you get really comfy on your bike as our bike fit specialist, and plans all of our mountain bike trips.

Bart Spiewak

Aerobic Sports Floor Manager

"When there's a dirty job to be done, I write catchy rap lyrics about it to help motivate everyone. My new single "Garbage Day" drops next month. "

Favourite Music: Anything between Zach Bryan and Slipknot.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: I'm a goalie in both hockey and soccer, and I play the drums a little.

"You may remember me from I was on the Wild Rock Team 15-20 years ago, or from when I ran my own Outdoors Store (Green Canoe Outfitters) in Cobourg. I'm into canoe tripping, backpacking, snowboarding, ice-climbing, SUP surfing, and trying to wing-foil. I recently got back into skate skiing and gravel biking. The next trip on my list is the Pukaskwa Coastal Trail."

Breeze Romain

Soft Goods Manager/Buyer

"Managing and buying for sportswear and footwear departments."

Favourite Music: Toss up between country blues & 90s R & B

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Music & cooking

"Recently moved to Peterborough with my family and loving how much more we get out into nature. I am passionate about being a mom, healthy living, fashion, travel & technical apparel. My goal is to curate a versatile collection of sportswear and travel-worthy pieces made with eco-friendly fabrics and ethical production. I strive to give our sales team the tools to help customers have the best experience and find what they need."

Drew Lander

Camping and Paddle Sports Sales/ Hype Man

"I deal in all manner of paddling and camping accessories, help with warranties and special orders and tie-down rental boats for peoples adventures"

Favourite Music: Everything from Abba to Zeppelin

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Fishing and canoeing are top-tier activities. As a non work-related hobby, I took up watch repair last winter to help keep the grey cells working.

"I'm a fun guy, I love the game of basketball. I've been at Wild Rock off and on for about ten years. Learned a lot about living and a little about love. Goals for life? Have more fun and keep paddling."

Kim Deleenheer


"Record all store transactions related to bookkeeping, and meet financial deadlines to prepare the company financial statements."

Favourite Music: Old and new, anything I can sing and dance to!

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Cooking; hosting anything from games night/waffle breakfasts/dance parties; biking with my hubby and friends.

"This a great time in my life to really appreciate the people around me. My motto is 'the more the merrier', I think everything is fun with more people. I love trying new recipes, hosting gatherings, group rides, hanging out with my grown up kids (and not so?) grown up husband, escape rooms, paddling at the cottage, board games. We have 50km mtn bike trail building project going on at the cottage, come join us!"

Tanya MacNeil

Inventory Receiver

"I receive the inventory for the store and get it ready for the floor. Also, I help with the online orders."

Favourite Music: I love Adele and now Harry Styles

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: I enjoy painting and designing

"I have worked at Wild Rock for 15 years. During this time I have enjoyed all forms of cycling. I also love to play team sports hockey is my favourite.

I need help with writing more:)"

Bridget Moore

Lead Merchandiser/ Adventure Facilitator

"To merchandise the store, to help people find apparel for their adventures near and far, and fun coordinator!"

Favourite Music: I love anything from 80's/90's, Blue Rodeo and my Sista!

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Walking, water sports & dancing!

"I love to have fun, adventures, to travel, and my family. If I can combine them all together that's even better! I also like to seize the opportunity to try new things. When not at WildRock you can find me out walking with my husband and my dog Hoover, in or on the water with my kids or with a good coffee and book in my hands."

Dwight Couchman

Bike Sales

"Helping customers with their bike-related questions & purchases"

Favourite Music: Blues & 60's and 70's Rock

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Cycling and woodworking

"I'm a family guy with lots of outside/outdoors interests. I try to play guitar and I love woodworking."

Brianne Lynch

Adventure Facilitator

"Help customers find the best products so they can enjoy the outdoors!"

Favourite Music: I have very eclectic taste in music.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Walks in the woods, quiet time with a good book.

"I love the changing seasons and the various activities you can do outdoors. My family means everything to me and becoming a “Nama” to two grandsons has been so fun. Celebrating family gatherings - like family day lunch in the woods or canoe trips in the fall, creates wonderful memories. "

John Hauser

Wrenchessor emeritus | Service Technician

"I make bikes go when they won’t, and go better when they will."

Favourite Music: Post/pre-punk-folk

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Building models of model trainer builders

"I’m a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll"

Read John's posts on The Journal

Joan Lawless

Adventure Facilitator

"Helping folks pursue their outdoor adventures by guiding them to the right products on the west side of the store."

Favourite Music: Indie Rock

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Riding my bike!

"I have worked at WRO for 5 years and love working at my favourite Peterborough store! I am the envy of many people. When I'm not working I love riding - whether its on gravel or paved roads. In the winter I've recently taken up snow-shoeing and have really enjoyed exploring local trails."

Jennifer Tiberio

Adventure Facilitator, Nutrition Buyer

"I help people get properly outfitted and fuelled for journeys, and cheer them on."

Favourite Music: indie/alternative/80s new wave/baroque

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Travelling

"I am a Gemini. I was born in Red Deer. I can fix a flat in over 10 minutes. My favourite smell is petrichor. I can't eat gluten but I like to bake. I have helped over a dozen turtles cross the road and have only been peed on by 2. My favourite painter is Greg Curnoe. My favourite poets are Lorna Crozier and Alden Nowlan. My two cats are Viggo and Freya."

Cam Conroy

Service Tech

"I keep your bike running well and your skis slippy!"

Favourite Music: I don't have a favourite! My playlist goes from Queen to Tame Impala and everything in between.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: At the time of writing this - watching the latest season of Drive to Survive. And skiing!

"I'm originally from the UK but have been in Canada for a while now! I came to Peterborough three years ago to start at Trent. After stumbling across Wild Rock, I knew I wanted to work here! When I'm not doing homework or fixing bikes, I'm usually outside on skis or a bike. I also nerd out over cars and love going for a drive!"

Sean Fitzgerald

Bike/Ski Sales Associate and Shop Tech (when I'm lucky)

Asking questions to connect the dots and find the right answer for customers.

Favourite Music: Eclectic (Spotify)

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Biking, skiing, climbing, camping with family and friends.

"In 1991, I walked into Wild Rock Outfitters, met the owners, and travelled on several adventures over a few years, quickly realizing I wanted to be part of the Wild Rock Team someday. After finishing over 31 years of serving the community of Durham Region, I came to Wild Rock. I started working part-time, hoping to give customers the knowledge and tools to experience the outdoors. Most of the time, I can be found on the bike/ski side of the store and sometimes wrenching in the basement if I am lucky."

Wendy Beck

Adventure Facilitator

"Assist the outdoor enthusiast to find the best products for the adventure! "

Favourite Music: 70s & Mo Town all the way

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Getting out for my daily walk & a good round of golf.

"I love to travel to various places. South Africa was my most favourite - & Cottage time for kayaking is the best."

Craig MacVichie

"Bike Sales"

Favourite Music: Jeff Buckley, Ray LaMontagne, Leon Bridges, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, U2, Johnny Cash, Springsteen, etc.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Camping, ultimate frisbee, basketball, skiing

"Love being outside on a campsite (preferably a far distance from civilization) with my peeps around me. Also, love being outside either playing Ultimate or basketball or walking my pooch!"

Jonah Udovc

West Side Staff

"I help customers select the sportswear to improve their outdoor adventures."

Favourite Music: Sparkly Alt

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Photography

"In my free time, I am out hiking the local trails and going on last minute weekend camping trips. I have a mild obsession with vintage cameras, developing film, and attempting to convince my cat that he loves me (unsuccessful thus far). In my youth, I pulled a total of two fire alarms, once in a hotel, and once in my elementary school. I love the outdoors and am always looking for new ways to spend my days outside!"

Brayden MacGregor

Brayden is currently off being a new parent for a while - WOOHOO! - but when he's at Wild Rock he's a cycling super-specialist. Brayden is a key player in our bike department, and during the winter he advises both customers and colleagues about nordic skis. Find Brayden on the sales floor answering all your questions about our gravel riding and bike packing.

*P.S. He once rode his bike from Peterborough to Thunder bay on logging and back roads - ask him about it!

Nancy Towns

Adventure Facilitator: a West Side story

"Listening and asking the right questions to match the person with the guidance and product they need or wish for. Drawing on personal experience to do so. In the name of helping people enjoying and appreciate the great outdoors and the joy of moving in them!"

Favourite Music: Whatever moves me.

Favourite Hobby Outside Work: Getting out on the trails or in the woods by ski or by foot, sharing music and singing my heart out with friends.

"My love of the outdoors began at a young age by hoping the back fence where I grew up in to explore the surrounding woods and fields. That desire for journeying at a self-propelled pace on two feet, skis and then two wheels grew while living over the years on Vancouver Island and then working in Europe and South America. While working at Wildrock, I love to hear about the planned or past adventures of customers and colleagues alike. Including their favourite places to be outside, right here in our region. "